$475 1 client with 1 professional hunter (1x1)
$350 2 clients with 1 professional hunter (2x1)
$200 Non-hunting Observer
(Children 15 and under at 50% observer rate)
$300 Filming per day (min. 5 days) & $400 editing and shipping fee
Ensure to read our Terms of business
1. Baboon
2. Blesbuck
3. Blesbuck – White
4. Bontebok
5. Buffalo
6. Bushbuck – Cape
7. Bushpig
8. Caracal with hounds
9. Caracal Hound Pack / Day
10. Caracal
11. Duiker – Blue
12. Duiker - Blue Hound Pack / Day
13. Duiker – Brown Bush
14. Duiker - 2nd
15. Eland – Cape
16. Fallow Deer
17. Fox – Cape
18. Fox – Bat Eared
19. Gemsbuck
20. Genet – Spotted
21. Giraffe
22. Grysbuck – Cape
23. Hartebeest – Red
24. Impala – Black
25. Impala – Southern
26. Impala - 2nd
27. Jackal – Black Backed
28. Klipspringer
29. Kudu – East Cape
30. Kudu - 2nd
31. Lechwe – Common S.A.
32. Monkey – Vervet
33. Nyala
34. Oribi
35. Ostrich – Wild
36. Porcupine
37. Reedbuck – Common
38. Reedbuck – Mountain
39. Roan
40. Sable
41. Scimitar Oryx
42. Springbuck – Black
43. Springbuck – Common
44. Springbuck – Copper
45. Springbuck – White
46. Steenbuck
47. Vaal Rhebuck
48. Warthog
49. Warthog – Sow
50. Waterbuck
51. Wildebeest – Black
52. Wildebeest – Blue
53. Wildebeest - Golden
54. Zebra – Burchell’s
55. Zebra – Cape Mountain
56. Zebra – Hartmann’s
A hunter shooting his second Kudu, Impala & Duiker trophy the same safari on Blaauwkrantz ranch will only be charged the reduced fee.
1. Kudu female
2. Impala female
3. Blesbuck female
4. Duiker female
* Prices subject to change without prior notice
Please email us to receive our Price List.